YCC YCC Level 1: Competent Crew Course


Any active YCC member who:

Course outline

The Competent Crew course introduces students to sailing on larger keelboats. The course is open to all members, particularly those who are:

The course has a theory element, which covers key terminology and essential information for sailing keelboats, and practical sessions, during which students will develop their understanding of sailing with hands-on practice to become useful crew members of a yacht.

Theory Classes

Before the start of the practical lessons, CC course students should follow the theory classes:

Please see calendar at the Theory Class page.

We also recommend reading the YCC Sailing Course for Beginners booklet, which is an excellent resource.

Practical Lessons

The eight practical lessons will give students the opportunity to learn on various types of keelboats: Surprise, GibSea and J/80. They are an excellent way to develop skills through hands-on practice and they will help students build on the sailing knowledge they gained during the theory classes.

Students will learn about:

Practical lessons will be held once a week on either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings between 18h00 and 20h30, weather permitting, and will normally start in May.


Students are encouraged to assist with the maintenance of the boats they sail as it's an excellent way to build your knowledge of the boat and its workings and this is helpful as skipper or crew.

Competent Crew Key

Students may apply to take the Competent Crew test once they have completed the course and requirements. The test will comprise sailing theory and practical skills covered in the course. Upon successful completion of the test, students will be granted CC status, which is recognised across club activities, for example YCC cruise and regattas. While the CC key alone does not grant access to any YCC boat as a skipper, it can be used as a prerequisite (together with the Y key) to participate in the Surprise and GibSea courses.


In addition to passing the practical test, three helper's sessions since the beginning of the season are required to obtain the CC key.
To reserve a time for surveillance or maintenance session(s), please go to the Helper's Shift Page.

Last modified on February 2025, MS