YCC Advanced Dinghy (ED) Test


Any active YCC member who:


To schedule a test, candidates must have completed all the above-mentioned requirements.

A test can be requested by completing the corresponding registration form.

The test coordinator appoints an examiner and arranges a date and time for the test.

After the test, the examiner reports to the test coordinator, who decides whether a key is attributed or not.

Contents of the Test

Rules and Knots

The ED test does not comprise an oral test of the rules but Swiss and YCC regulations are to be respected while sailing. Knots are part of the D test and are not retested.


Rig the boat in accordance with the rigging instructions, taking special care to apply sufficient rig tension after hoisting the mainsail.


Try to ensure correct sail trim while sailing. Both the helm and the crew should compensate heeling with their weight. Capsizing is to be avoided during this part of the test.

The helm has to be able to use the stick while sailing in all directions. It is good practice, though not a requirement, to use the stick also while running.

Clear communication between helm and crew is required.

Each crew shall execute the following tour:

Wind from the North (sketches in PDF format):

Wind from the South (sketches in PDF format):




While you do your course, the examiner watches for errors and ranks them in three categories: red, of which you're not allowed to make any; orange, of which you're allowed to make 2 provided you make no other errors, or 1 with at most 2 blue errors in addition; blue of which you can make 5, provided you make neither red nor orange errors.

Severe Errors



Original drafted by Vincenzo Innocente and Udo Wagner, drawings by Udo Wagner, norms from Michel Cornevin.

Last modified July 2024 by SB