We own a large fleet of 29 units: 10 Dinghies: 3 Lasers, 3 Melges, 3 RS, 1 29er. 4 Catamarans: 2 Hobie Tiger, 1 SL16, 1 Nacra. 12 Keelboats: 5 Yngling, 2 Surprise, 1 J80, 2 J70, 1 GibSea, 1 Dynamic 3000. And also 2 Motorboats and 1 Inflatable Zodiac.
Here the current fleet, and below, all the details.

Port-Choiseul Mooring Places and other fleet documents

YCC mooring places and estimated bathymetric plan produced in May 2023 by Alberto and Marine and updated by Nathalie and Tim to add the concrete blocs (yellow rectangles):

View from the sky of the YCC boat's mooring places and of Port-Choiseul situation:

Pictures by Federico 2022©

Regatta Insurance and certificates

You need this certificate to demonstrate that the boat is properly insured when participating to regattas.

Insurance 2025 Keelboats and Nacra in PDF
Insurance 2025 Dinghies, Cats and Ynglings in PDF


Keys: D for all, except the 29er that requires ED key.

We have a fleet of Modern and high performance dinghy. Dinghy are small and light sailing boats, designed for sport, fun and sail - learning. Dinghy have a retractable centerboard that allows an easy mooring on a trailer, and have NOT a weighted keel, that means their stability is granted by the weight of the crew on board, that has to move according to the wind to keep the balance. Dinghy are today very safe boat, the capsize and recovery is a pure fun event, that you will for sure enjoy. On dinghy, crew is in direct contact with the water, therefore a proper wet-suit is needed. There is better sailing boat to learn how to sail. Laser is one of the most successful sailing boat ever designed, is it the only boat in the club where you can sail alone. All our dinghy are category C boats, they are designed for max 6bft and 2 meter waves. In sustained wind (3bft-4bft), dinghy special hull design allows them to overpass the hull-speed and make them SURF on the waves generated by the hull. Surfing a dinghy is one of the most satisfactory and fun and sport-demanding experience you can have on the water. All the dinghy have a modern rig, self draining hull, full batten mainsail, auto-gennaker pole extracting circuit (of course, not the laser that has only the main sail).

Model Name Cap Registration Length [m] Beam [m] year Sail Area [m2] Sail No FFV Rating FFV coeff. YCC Rating (Yardstick)

Pollux 1 GE-19629 4.23 1.37 2011 7 SUI 201075 Standard=1100
Castor GE-19628 2011 SUI 201074
Photon GE-19949 2005 SUI 183278

Melges 15
Athos 2 GE-23462 4.572 1.675 2024 12.4 SUI 960 1.0417
Porthos GE-23463 2024 SUI
Aramis GE-23464 2024 SUI

usage documentation
Santa Maria 2 GE-20929 4.52 2.00  2016 14.76 SUI 855 930 1.0753 943

la Niña 2 GE-20984 4.34 1.58 2016 13.1 Mylar=960
Rocket Science GE-19217 2009 721

Neutrino 2 GE-20891 4.45 1.70  2016 13.19 SUI 2516 890 1.1765 919


Keys: C for SL16, EC Hobie Tigers and Nacra

We have 3 Modern Catamarans. All of them are designed for sport and high performance sailing. The double hull design, gives to the boat a stability by shape, so there is no need of a weighted keel, plus the elongated hull shapes grants a very good hydrodynamic performance. Catamarans are very powerful machines, and their big sail area and the very fast speed requires a very good and fast sailing skills. Similar to the dinghy, sport catamarans also need the weight of the crew and the usage of the trapeze to keep balance. We consider catamarans advanced, but the SL16 can be a good boat to start sailing, or, in light wind condition, a good recreational boat. Some of the advantages of the catamarans are the speed, the low draft, the space on board. Main Disadvantages are the lower maneuverability in the port, and the complicated maneuver of capsize recovery. Catamaran performs best between 2 and 4 Beaufort maximum. Foiling Catamaran Nacra 15 In 2019, we will get a Nacra 15 with interchangeable C and L shaped centerboard, allowing the club to experience the joy of a foil-flying catamaran!

Model Name Cap Registration Length [m] Beam [m] year Sail Area [m2] Sail No FFV Rating FFV coeff. YCC Rating (Yardstick)

Hobie Tiger
Meerkat C3 GE-18865 5.51 2.60 2007 13 NED 2302 666 1.5015 693
Netcat GE-1964 SUI 1395

SL16 Sirena
Catapult C3 GE-18662 4.80  2.35  2008 12.00 860 760 1.3158 890

Nacra 15
Quantum Cat C2 GE21881 4.70 2.40 2019 13 SUI 266 736
721 (FCS Foiling)
1.3870 (FCS Foiling)


Key required: Y for Yngling - SU for Surprise, J70, J80, GS for GibSea

We have a large number of modern keel-boats, some of them very small and open deck like the Yngling, and are the most user boat in the club, because they are easy to handle and can be very recreational or are perfect for learning. Surprises, are multi-purpose classical boat design, and are most used sailing boat in the Leman lake.
J80 and J70 , are modern keel-boat designed mainly for performance sport and racing. They have like our dinghy a Gennaker instead of a Spinnaker, and they have a surfing hull profile. The space of the cabin is minimal, and most of the deck is available for a crew that need to fast maneuver.
TheGibsea is a classical cabin boat designed for the sea, for general purpose comfort sailing and cruising. Yngling and Surprise and J70 are boat of class C, (max 6bft 2meter waves) Gibsea and J80 are class B boat (max 8bft, 4meter waves).

Model Name Cap Registration Length [m] Beam [m] Draft [m] year built Engine [HP] Sail Area [m2] Sail No No SRS (ACVL) SRS Coefficient (ACVL) FFV Rating FFV coeff. YCC Rating (Yardstick)

usage documentation
Vas Y 4 GE-1603 6.35  1.73  1.05 1974 - 15.00 SUI 499 1790 0.877 SRS/ACVL cert (2018) 1020 0.9794 1057
J'Y Vais 3 GE-17830 6.34  1.71  1.05 2002 - 14.00 SUI 100 1791 0.877 SRS/ACVL cert (2018)
Y-me ? 3 GE-17866 6.34  1.71  1.05 2003 - 14.00 SUI 452 1792 0.877 SRS/ACVL cert (2018)
Janisico [1] 4 GE-4787 6.35  1.73  1.05 1973 - 15.00 Z 57 0.877
Y knot? 4 GE-7195 6.35  1.73  1.05 1972 - 14.00 0.877

usage documentation
Mic Mac [1] C6 GE-14297 7.65  2.48  1.60 1982 25.00 SUI 230 395 1.000 SRS/ACVL cert
Jauge cert
925 1.0811 970
Mamma Mia C6 D10 GE-19209 7.65  2.48  1.60 2009 25.00 SUI 702 982 1.000 SRS/ACVL cert
Jauge cert

usage documentation
Jedi 8 GE-20406 8.00  2.49  1.50 2014 34.50
SUI 1523 1788 1.003 (Jib only, please!)
899 1.1123 922?

usage documentation
Padawan C6 GE-21579 6.93  2.25  1.45 2018 2.3  26.40
SUI 1375
2314 0.987 SRS/ACVL cert
Measurement cert
906 1.1038 TBD
Joda C6 GE-23484 6.93  2.25  1.45 2024 2.3  26.40
SUI 1851
0.987 SRS/ACVL cert

Dynamic 3000
usage documentation
MissR 8 GE-22276 10.40 2.50 1.65 1990 9 53.00 SUI 543   1.072 823 1.2151 TBD

Gib Sea 264
Gipsy [1] 6 GE-52923 7.80 2.92 2.00 (0.80 lifted) 1996 12 30.00       1002 0.9980 1057

[1] Boat held in co-ownership.

Motor and Service boats

Keys required:

Motor boats are NOT for private outings, are only used for safety and instructor teaching during the courses.
Our Q-Boats have a 80HP, repectively a 50HP, engines, so a motorboat license is mandatory.
The inflatable RIB has an engine of 8HP, so license is required if you are French resident only, and it is Class C.

Model Name Cap Registration Length [m] Beam [m] year built Engine [HP]

Boston Whaler Montauk 17
usage documentation
ResQ (a.k.a the Q-boat) C7 GE-19285 5.00  1.91  1995 YamahaF100LB – 80HP/73.5kW

Bombard Explorer 550 NEO NR
usage documentation
Mother Duck II C14 GE-23137 5.50  2.18  2023 HONDA BF50DK4 – 50HP/36.8kW

Zodiac Cadet360 Alu
usage documentation
Baby Duck (a.k.a. the Rib) C6 GE-21825 3.63  1.67  2019 Yamaha F8FMHS – 8HP/5.9kW

Material owned by the club

Most of our material belongs to the boats and relative maintenance. Most of the material is it Stored in CERN BA5. We mention here some equipment that is of highly interest for members.

Sail inventory

We own a large collection of sails, for daily use and for regatta. See Keelboat Sail Inventory link in YCC shared documents.

YCC boat trailers

To transfer boats between winter storage space or to the Chantier Naval, we have some boat trailer: Boat, motor and trailer inventory link in YCC shared documents.

YCC Regatta Buoys

We have a lot of large and floatable regatta bouys List to come

Floating PMR Walkie Talkie Radio

To ensure safe communication during courses, regattas and also to private outings, Luigi Gallerani proposed in to buy 6 floating waterproof radios license free, and let them available during the sailing season in Versoix at the reservation computer kiosk. What we currently own:

PMR radio has 8 channel, and WTF800 uses sub-tones to create 40 communication channel. YCC Club Radio uses
Channel 4 Sub-tone 4. We encourage all the members, especially in high wind conditions, to keep the radio with them and instruct someone on the ground on how to use it. For any question please ask Luigi Gallerani. THOSE RADIO are not MARINE VHF and can't listen on Emergency CHF Channel 16, they can only be used for internal club communication.


Since 2019 we have 2 binoculars, one BRESSER 7x50 marine floating waterproof for navigation to be kept on board of SU or J80 and one OLYMPUS 10x50 for observation from the ground, to be kept in the computer box.
Marine binocular traditionally have no more than 7x magnification, as the oscillations of the boat makes impractical a higher one without stabilization, are fully waterproof and can float, and have an integrated compass to make azimuth, and a graduated reference system to make approximate distance measurements. Terrestrial binocular, instead, can have higher magnification. However, magnification is not the only important parameter, luminosity and field of view really matter. High luminosity is granted by a large aperture of the frontal lens, using of multi-coated lenses and prisms to reduce internal reflection, and a large aperture of the exit pupil of the eyepiece, (matching the maximum pupil of human eye around 5mm). Field of view is granted by an high quality optical design with low aberrations and distortion, such that image in the corner is sharp and fully usable. (cheap binoculars have a very narrow field of view). Both binocular at YCC have a Porro Prism design with multi-coated lenses and eyepieces, a large aperture (50mm) to ensure good view even during night and low light conditions.
BRESSER Nautical 7x50 WD Compass Binoculars The BRESSER Nautical 7x50 has a water resistant and robust rubber armour as well as a gas purged optical tubes. They therefore are the ideal binocular for maritime use on board. The gas purged filling of the Nautical binoculars prevents water and moisture from entering the binocular by creating an interior pressure capsule. The fully coated optics allow a bright and sharp image to be replicated even when the weather conditions have turned bad. Waterproof and fog-proof housing with nitrogen gas filling. Robust, rubber armoured binocular body. Illuminated compass and Reticle. Individual eyepiece focusing.

OLYMPUS 10x50 DPS I Type Porro prism series, Eye interval adjustment range 60 - 70mm, Lens configuration 5 elements / 3 groups, Magnification 10x, Objective lens diameter 50mm, Exit pupil diameter 5mm, Actual field of view 6.5°, Apparent field of view 65°, Field of view at 100m 11.4m, Relative brightness 25, Eye relief 12mm Closest focal point 6m, Dimensions 191 x 178 x 63mm (fully extended) Weight 855g

Note: Binoculars are very dedicated objects, they only works if they are perfectly calibrated and aligned, so threat them with a lot of respect and care, and remember, they absolutely do not tolerate mechanical shocks.

Dismissed boats

Model Name Cap Old Registration Length [m] Beam [m] Draft [m] years Engine Sail Area [m2] Sail No No SRS (ACVL) Rating (Coef.) SRS (ACVL) FFV Rating FFV Coeff. YCC Rating (Yardstick)
Laser 2 Beauty 2 GE-16296 4.41 1.42    ?-2015   11.5       1060 0.9434 1035
Laser 2 Charm 2 GE-16297 4.41 1.42    ?-2015   11.5    
Jeanneau Aquila Brabant 8 GE-10212 8.25  2.90  1.3  1978-2018 7.9  27.00       1021 0.9794  

Edel II
Edel 4 GE-2452 5.57  2.10    1973-2019   14.00       1206 0.8292  
Yamaha 340S Yam 4 GE 19315 3.36  1.74    2010-2018 8          
Bic 245 Sportyak Bic 3 Not Required 2.45 1.20   2016-2018 max 3          

Rolling Stone 2 GE-18041 4.52 2.00  2004-2023 14.76  930 1.0753 943

Rising Star 2 GE-18686 4.34  1.58  2008-2023 13.1  Mylar=960

Topper Xenon
HiggX 2 GE-18545 4.50 2.00 2007-2023 12.00 SUI 71 1080 0.9259 1079

Tornado 3 GE-51118 6.05 3.05 1990-2023 15 SUI 153 697 (classic)
635 (Big rig - Spi)
655 (24m2 Spi)
1.4225 (classic)
1.5748 (Big rig - Spi)
1.5291 (24m2 Spi)

Last modified: February 2025 by DM